How do you know if your dog really loves you? And are you their favourite human in the house? Here are five ways to tell if you are number one in the eyes of your dog.
Tail wagging. This is a sign of your dog’s happiness and excitement. If your dog wags their tail when they see you, it shows their affection and love. Dr Gary Richter, US veterinarian and best-selling author, says the more vigorously the tail wags, the more excited the dog is to be with you. “It’s one of the clearest signs that a dog is happy to see you,” he says.
They look directly at you: Dogs can communicate through eye contact, and if they look at you with soft, relaxed eyes, it’s a sign they trust and feel comfortable with you.
Cuddling: Who doesn’t love a cuddle? When your dog cuddles with you, it shows they feel safe and loved.
They bring you gifts. If your dog brings you a gift, like a toy, they see you as part of their pack. “Bringing you gifts is a way of dogs showing their appreciation and love,” Dr Richter says.
Excitement. When you arrive home, does your dog become very excited? Do the jump up on you and moan? This shows they have missed you, and are happy you are home.