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Sarah Neill founder of Mys Tyler
Sarah Neill, centre, founder of Mys Tyler

Loving a dress you saw on a model is one thing and the reality, when you try it on, can be very different. Sydney woman Sarah Neill has developed a feel-good, body positive fashion app where you can find clothes which not only fit you, but make you feel great! Here, Sarah tells Lifestyle News her story.

Q Tell me about Mys Tyler?

A Mys Tyler is a social commerce platform that helps women find clothes that fit. We do this by connecting women with fashion influencers who have the same height, shape and size so they can see clothes on a body similar to theirs, improving fit confidence.

Q Why is body positive fashion important?

A: We all get dressed everyday, and what we wear has a big impact on how we feel. 89% of women are more body confident when they like their outfit, so clothing is a really simple way to make women feel better.

The issue is that finding clothes that fit (and feel great) is less simple. Most women struggle to find clothes that fit, part of this is size, but shape, height, age and ethnicity also play into this, and most models aren’t representative of most women.

Q: How does your app work?

A: We have a community of diverse content creators on our platform that share the outfits they love, showing how they fit, how they style them, and linking through to where the items can be purchased.

When a user signs up, they complete a quick body quiz, this allows us to create a fit score with each of the creators on our platform so we can match users to the creators who have the most similar body - this allows us to serve up body relevant fashion.

Q: A woman across the globe downloads your app every two minutes. Are you surprised by this success?

A: Yes and no, we’re serving a very large addressable market - women who buy clothes online, and there’s nothing else out there that allows women to discover body relevant fashion.

That said, it’s a very competitive landscape, and with all that noise, it’s hard to cut through and be seen.

We’re fortunate that our product lends itself to word of mouth, and we’ve been lucky to get some great press.

Q: What are your return rates? When we began building Mys Tyler we thought we could have an impact on return rates, which are about 40% for clothes and shoes purchased online, and we’ve just released data that to date returns through Mys Tyler have been less than 5%.

This is incredible, we thought that if we could get it down to 20% that would be a huge win for brands as returns are really costly, We were blown away at the actual result. This is a huge industry issue that a lot of innovations have been developed to tackle but it’s been a very tricky problem to solve.

Find out more about Mys Tyler here.


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