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Could you eat this huge 2.8 kg bowl of Pho - in less than three minutes?

Sean Algar 19, this week set a new record as the quickest-ever winner of the Cabra-Vale Diggers' 2.8kg Pho Eating Challenge, finishing the bowl in an incredible two minutes and 40 seconds.

The Cabra-Vale Diggers' 2.8kg Pho Eating Challenge has become a renowned culinary event in Sydney, attracting participants from diverse backgrounds and talents.

Sean Algar, along with his enthusiastic cheer squad, known as "Sean Attack," emerged as the undisputed champion, leaving the crowd in awe of his determination.

Having never entered a food-eating competition before, Sean's rapid triumph has undoubtedly established him as a rising star in the world of competitive eating and the winner of a $3,000 travel voucher.

The competition was fierce, with notable contender Yuan Teck, currently ranked 6th in the world of professional competitive eating, vying for the top spot.

Yuan, who goes by the handle @yuan.and.only, showcased his quick eating skills, securing second place with a time of 4 minutes and 44 seconds.

Winner Sean Algar
Challenge winner Sean Algar

About the 2.8kg Pho Challenge

The challenge entails devouring a colossal 2.8kg Super Bowl of Pho in under 20 minutes, comprising 1,050ml of stock, 750g of slurp-worthy Pho noodles, 600g of succulent beef (including a mix of rare beef, brisket, tendon, and beef), and 360g of fresh bean sprouts, along with 45g of fragrant greens including basil, onions, and spring onions.

The competition consisted of four preliminary heats. Contestants who conquered the entire Giant Pho Bowl within the allotted time not only earned bragging rights but also received a promotional t-shirt, a refund for their Giant Pho Bowl, and secured a spot on the coveted leaderboard if they had the fastest time.

For those still seeking a pho-nominal challenge, Cabra-Vale Diggers is excited to announce its sponsorship of another Pho Eating Competition on Sunday, September, 17, at Cabramatta Moon Festival on behalf of Fairfield Council, with the epic noodle showdown kicking off at 5pm on the main stage. Find out more.


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