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girl in flower filled bath
Photo: Hannah Postova/Unsplash

Ever tried a home spa? It's easy to create a rejuvenating sanctuary where you can unwind, recharge and escape from the stresses of work and everyday life - and it's so convenient! Here are six simple steps to create the perfect home spa experience.

1. Create a relaxing atmosphere: Find a relaxing space at home with no interruptions. Light some candles or burn incense - Palo Santo is a great option for clearing energy.

2. Wear a silk headband: Not only will this feel luxurious, it will keep your hair off your face. The silk will also prevent hair breakage,

3. Start with Face Mask #1 : Choose a clay-based mask and leave it on for about 15 minutes, which will allow you time to relax and your skin to deeply exfoliate. A clay mask is ultra-relaxing.

4. Indulge in some relaxing activities while masking: Listen to your favourite music, watch an inspiring video or meditate.

5. Glow with Face Mask #2: After your have washed off the clay mask, try a moisturising mask or something really deeply hydrating - again, for about 15 minutes if you have the time. Otherwise, opt for a moisturising mask that doesn’t need to be washed off.

6. Prepare your skin for the day or night. Depending on the time of day, after your face is washed following both masks, finish by preparing your skin with a serum, or it's night, a sheet mask after applying the serum. Your skin will thank you by restoring itself overnight.

Piyane Ung is the founder of no-nasties skin care Nalia Cosmetics.



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