Finding your true passion is often a long journey. For Judy Cheung-Wood, it involved moving countries - twice - becoming an urban planner and finally, founding her own skin care company after years of research.
Suffering from acne as a teenager and young woman, a need to help others drove Judy to create a unique skincare brand that is now providing relief for acne suffers around the world.
“When my skin was breaking out, I would retreat into a shell and not look people in the eyes,” she said. “It left me feeling self-conscious and lacking compared to others.
“Like the typical journey of acne sufferers, I first reached for supermarket face washes. They only dried out my skin. Then I tried benzoyl peroxide based acne creams but the acne continued, and my skin became drier."
When she was 16 Judy moved from Hong Kong to Sydney to study, with the expectation from her family she would get a safe professional degree which would lead to a steady well paying job.
Although Judy longed to follow in the footsteps of her chemist grandfather, who’d she spent hours watching mix lotions and potions, and study biochemistry she feared it would only lead to research work, which didn’t appeal.
Instead, Judy studied town planning and as vher career took off at a top global engineering firm, she continued to be plagued by acne.
“My acne was not cystic, but persistent and at times really painful with a lot of pigmentation and scarring as I couldn’t stop picking. I was so self-conscious and would spend ages in the bathroom trying to cover it up," she said.
“When it was bad I’d avoid eye contact with people and when it was really bad I’d just avoid going out all together."
It was while living in the United States with her partner, where she was unable to work, that Judy used her time to begin her research.
“My enforced unemployment gave me permission, time and mental space to explore how holistic medicines work and how nutrients work inside the body. My grandfather always claimed that western prescription medications just cover the symptoms without treating the cause." Judy said.
“Each morning I’d grab a coffee and walk to a nearby bookstore where I devoured endless books on alternative health, holistic medicine, vitamins, skin health and marketing."

Despite having no specific goal in mind, Judy felt the universe was preparing her for what lay ahead. Her experimenting with alternative products and diets and leading a stress-free life saw her skin look the best it had ever looked.
After a four-year stint in the United States, Judy returned to Sydney and took up a prominent role with an urban planning company. Professionally she was successful, but once again stress was consuming her and her skin again became acne ridden.
So she started researching Vitamin B5 after a suggestion from a friend who also suffered from acne.
"I came across a medical paper on the hypothesis about the biochemistry of B5 in the body and how it could resolve acne," she said.
Judy found B5 and began taking it at the high dose recommended in the medical paper, and says in two months her skin was not only clear, but glowing.
As friends and family began to comment on her glowing skin, she felt an urge to help other acne suffers.
“For the first time I had a purpose that truly spoke to me,” Judy said. After intensive research and trials identifying synergistic nutrients which worked together with B5, Judy came up with her formula which went straight to the cause.
She developed a regime of highly effective, proprietary nutritional supplement formulations and healing skincare products which work holistically on acne, treating the face and body and with no side-effects.
As the products began to be sold around the world the letters flooded in from customers pouring their hearts out about how SkinB5 had changed their life and given them the confidence to face the world.
“My life is filled with purpose and each day I help people regain their confidence so they can flourish and pursue their own purpose free of the anxiety skin worries create,” Judy said.
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