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The gender pay gap of 5000 Australian companies has been exposed in new landmark workplace equality report.

The Nightly website reports banks, financial services companies and law firms are fuelling Australia’s gender pay gap, with figures publicly exposing workplaces for paying women less than men for the very first time.

The website says airlines, retailers and miners also feature prominently in the government list — released in an effort to tackle a $50 billion a year problem.

More than six in 10 employers have a gender pay gap in favour of men of more than five per cent, according to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency. Overall, median women’s earnings each year are $18,461 less than a man’s — or 81¢ to every $1.

The national gender pay gap is 14.5 per cent, which balloons to 19 per cent when allowances, bonuses and incentives are included.

Some employers say the statistics are the result of senior ranks being dominated by men, an imbalance that will likely take years to even out.

The website reported Minister for Women Katy Gallagher saying the gender pay gap was a “persistent and complex problem” that cost the economy $51.8b each year.

“The release of employer gender pay gaps marks a historic step towards transparency and accountability in addressing gender inequality,” Senator Gallagher said.

“Transparency and accountability are critical for driving change.

“By shining a light on gender pay gaps at an employer level, we are arming individuals and organisations with the evidence they need to take meaningful action to accelerate closing the gender pay gap in Australian workplaces.”

Former sex discrimination commissioner Elizabeth Broderick said closing gender pay gaps could not be done by organisations in isolation, and the challenge was generational, The Nightly reported/

“Lasting change will only be achieved through collective efforts to redesign decades of education, employment and workplace strategies which in the past have been based on gender roles and norms that undermine efforts to achieve gender equality,” Ms Broderick, the founder of the Champions of Change Coalition, a group of chief executives, company directors and government department leaders.

“Strategies to address the unequal division of caring and household management will also be essential.”

See the full list here where you can search to see which company has the worst gender pay gaps.


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