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Ben Lucas
Ben Lucas

Struggling to get out of bed on a cold winter morning? You're not alone, especially when it's still dark outside! But here's a good reason to move: new research reveals exercise can help trigger our immune system, making it work harder, which can result in fewer colds and coughs. Here, Flow Athletic director Ben Lucas reveals his top ways to keep motivated this winter.

1. Find your tribe: Going to a fitness studio isn’t just about being active, or the workout. For many people, it’s the community that keeps them coming back. Assessing the vibe of the studio you go into, and see if it is one you are keen to embrace. Of course, like with anything it may take a while to make solid friendships, but if people are welcoming and you feel included, it usually is a sign of good things to come.

2. Choose a studio that is convenient: A big part of motivation comes down to accessibility. If the gym you have signed up to is far away, or the classes are not on at a time you can do them and parking is too hard, you are likely to lose motivation fast. Find a studio near home or work. Book all your sessions for the week over the weekend. Put them in your diary and keep them as you would any other appointment.

4. Mix it up: There is no rule saying that you only have to do the one style of workout to get results. If you don’t want to do the same style of workout every day, don’t. Try Barre one day, running another, yoga, strength, indoor cycling or a nice outdoor walk. If you enjoy variation, go for it. There are so many ways to be active, choose what works for you.

5. Sign up to an event: I am a big fan of challenges and events. Challenges because you are working on your health and fitness within a certain time frame. It is a lot easier for people to get their head around working towards a goal when there is a start and end date, and hopefully they build healthy habits along the way. Also, others at the studio are doing the challenge which can be motivating as you are all on the same journey.

For events, I love them for similar reasons. For example, for a running event such as the Sydney Marathon, you need to be ready by a certain time. It can also be very social if you join a run club, there are events in winter and spring, so you have something to train for in the cooler months, and it is a very rewarding activity.


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