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Photo: Jamie Street/Unsplash

Struggling with massive energy bills? Most of us are, and new research reveals some creative ways Aussies are avoiding bill shock.

The research, by ING, showed:

  • 30% are having candle-lit dinners rather than using lights.

  • 32% are using an air frying rather than an oven.

  • 17% are bathing with their partner.

  • 16% are letting pets sleep in their bed with them.

  • 8% are steaming their clothes in the bathroom while taking a shower, rather than using an iron.

And the research also revealed our poor-energy saving habits, including:

  • 44% admit to leaving electronics on at the switch when not in use.

  • 39% have boiled more water than needed.

  • 36% leave their TV/laptop on standby overnight.

  • More than a third (34%) say they shower for longer than 10 minutes.

  • 31% use the defrost setting on the microwave, using an unnecessary amount of energy.

And some of the best bill saving hacks are still undiscovered, three quarters (75%) of the nation didn’t realise a slow cooker can be more energy efficient than an oven, and 19% admit they ‘streamcheat’ (watching a show on your own that you and your partner would usually watch together) and end up watching shows more than once – wasting up to $1.14M* a year!

Matt Bowen, Head of Daily Banking at ING Australia, said: "It’s clear from the research that there’s a strong desire amongst many to break their bad energy habits with the majority of respondents actively looking for ways to reduce their energy bills.

“What’s more, it’s encouraging to see so many Aussies prove that saving energy doesn’t need to be a chore. From having candle-lit dinners to letting their pets sleep in their beds, many are being creative about how they go about being energy efficient.”

“At ING, we want to help Aussie save so we offer eligible customers a 1% cash back on eligible gas, electricity and water bill payments.”

The research also found:

  • Work benefits: Almost 2 million Aussie workers (15%) say their favourite way of saving money is working from the office rather than at home to use office electricity.

  • Relationship bug-bear: almost one in five (18%) Aussies agree that wasting energy is a big turn-off in romantic partners, and one in 10 (11%) would move out if a housemate had poor energy habits.

  • It’s a generational thing: Millennials (98%) are the most likely generation to say they are looking to cut back their energy usage (93% Gen Z, 90% Gen X, 88% Baby Boomer).

Visit here to open an ING Orange Everday account and start earning cashback on eligible utility bills.



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