The Circle of Security Parenting (COSP) program, based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened, will be held In Queensland.
Using the COSP model developed by the Circle of Security originators, trained Facilitators work with parents and care-givers to help them to:
• Understand their child’s emotional world by learning to read emotional needs
• Support their child’s ability to successfully manage emotions
• Enhance the development of their child's self esteem
• Honour the innate wisdom and desire for their child to be secure
The program aims to help with parents:
1. Develop a positive and secure relationship with your child.
1. Learn how to read your child’s needs and understand their emotional world.
2. Learn ways to help your child successfully manage their emotions.
3. Help your child enhance their self esteem.
4. Honour your parenting wisdom and support your desire to help your child build secure attachment relationships.
5. Become a more dependable parent who can help your child develop their full potential to feel safe and secure.
6. Discuss your parenting experiences with other parents who are also eager to enhance their parenting skills and learn more effective ways to understand and respond to their child’s mood and behaviour
WHEN: May 11, June 1, November 18 and 25; 6 to 8 pm
WHERE: 1 Raff Ave, Holland Park Queensland MORE INFO: